Meet Mike!

CANDIDATE FOR reelection in house DISTRICT 118

Proven conservative and advocate for a brighter, better future for the state of Florida!

Mike Redondo was born and raised in District 118.  He is the son of Cuban immigrants – Marcos and Ana Maria Redondo.  Growing up, Mike learned the incredible value of hard work and saw that America remains the best country in the world.  Mike’s mom was a public school teacher for over forty years, and the importance of education was something that Mike learned from an early age.  Mike’s father, a structural engineer, taught Mike that hard work and putting one’s family first was the best way to achieve true success in life.  

Mike is incredibly proud of his Cuban heritage and carries with him the lessons that so many Cuban Americans have learned through sacrifice: that the single greatest power in the world is that of free people unleashed from the burden of government overreach.  It is this philosophy that has shaped Mike from an early age and that has carried over into his political career. 

Mike has also never lost touch with the people he represents.  He knows that the single greatest issue facing his constituents is the ever increasing price  of insurance, housing, and the other devastating effects of Bidenflation.  Mike will continue to fight for these issues and more – whether it is maintaining Florida’s premier status as the best law and order state in the nation to continuing to protect Florida’s thriving economy.  Mike will keep up the fight for all of us!

Mike Redondo’s Bio

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